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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Deregulation continues across America

Monopoly has been a dirty word in the United States since the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890. This fact, however, has not prevented the nation’s energy industry from being held down by the weight of power supply monopolies in each state. However, times are changing, deregulation is here and now in full swing in many states.

Regulators (and more importantly, consumers) have been keenly aware of the monopolies utilities have operated for decades but in the past fifteen years, regulators have begun to act. This action is mostly coming in the form of altering and/or the removal of restrictive laws in the energy industry that make it impossible for a new energy company to exist, let alone compete with the energy industry monoliths. The common term for these changes is deregulation. Although the energy industries in many states are still unfairly regulated, there are many states in which deregulation is spreading and fast. As of right now, over half of all states have enacted deregulation at some level—and the list is growing fast. Let’s take a look at how the spread of deregulation in the energy industry has changed things:

How energy industry deregulation across America affects energy companies

The big energy companies may not have welcomed the prospect of deregulation. Electric companies in PA, for example, held off deregulation for years. This is due to the fact that when a company enjoys a monopoly, they can whatever they want to do—charge whatever rates they want, add arbitrary fees, provide mediocre customer service, etc. When they are the one company that holds all of the power, they can do what they like.

With deregulation in place, the industry has opened up to hundreds of new electric companies in PA, CT, NJ, MD, OH, MA, ME, TX, GA and every other state that is deregulated for that matter. Now utilities have had to adjust how they do business, sell off their generation assets and purchase power from wholesale power plants just like all of the new competitive suppliers do.  The utilities also promote electric choice now and help to grow the consumer awareness level in their state about the benefits electric choice can provide to their customers.

How deregulation could affect you

There are many changes wrought by deregulation, but the most important are those that affect you. Here is what you get from deregulation:
More choice

When a monopoly is in place and you need a product or service, you go to that one company that offers them. Since deregulation breaks up monopolies in the industry, you can choose from among other power companies in your area. The growth in the  number of energy companies across the USA has been substantial. For instance, there are now over 50 electric companies in CT, where there was once only two.

Lower energy bills

With choice comes competition, and when companies are competing, prices go down. When you take advantage of this by shopping around for the best rate, you end up paying less on your monthly bill.

A few avoidable problems

There are a few potential issues that you could run into in a deregulated energy market. Some of the electric companies in PA and CT, for example, are receiving complaints about extremely high variable rates. This problem can easily be avoided by customers who do basic due diligence and only consider fixed rates.

How to make a switch if you live in a deregulated state

To make the switch to another power supplier is easy, thanks to companies that connect you directly with the energy suppliers in your area. Make the Switch USA, for example, gives you the power to compare and contrast the offerings of electric companies in PA, CT and NJ.

What further action needs to be taken to enhance deregulation as it spreads?

Deregulation is helping, but more steps need to be taken to further improve the energy industry. Here is what you can expect legislators in deregulated and regulated states to do in the near future:

Informing customers

You can’t take advantage of energy industry deregulation if you don’t know about it. This fact is not lost on many states. For example, there are more power companies in NJ than ever before. Despite this fact—and the fact that they have been deregulated for 15 years—less than a fifth of all customers in the state use an electric company outside of the traditional utility companies.

Protecting customers

As we mentioned earlier, there are some ways that predatory energy companies can take advantage of deregulation in a way that harms customers. Fortunately, some states are taking action. In Connecticut, for example, legislators just passed laws that stunt the ability of electric companies in CT to surprise people with deceptively high variable rates.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Could Solar energy Take Over?

For well over a century, residential and business energy users have been beholden to the power grid—and more importantly, the monolithic entities that control them—for all of their electricity needs. Thanks to the power of the sun, however, this is about to change. The solar power takeover is close at hand, and it will be here faster than you think, and from California to Connecticut, electric suppliers are terrified of the consequences.

Why solar?

There are many renewable energy resources other than solar power (wind, hydropower, biofuel, natural gas, etc.). There are no energy resources, however, that match the combination of abundance, cleanliness and raw power of solar energy. Since the sun is everywhere and absorbing its energy has absolutely no impact on the environment, there can be no argument against efficient solar technology by any group, including the electric companies in PA where 68 million tons of coal—by far our dirtiest source of energy and 56 percent of the state’s energy production—are produced each year.

The ability to harness solar power has existed for over a century. What is making it such a game changer now?

Better technology

Since its invention, the biggest problem with solar power technology has been its level of efficiency. It was so expensive to make and inefficient that few would reap any palpable benefits from its use and even fewer could afford it in the first place.

Over the past decade, two important things have happened to push solar technology forward. First, the photovoltaic solar cells themselves have experienced a massive improvement in efficiency and cost effectiveness. Second, thanks to efforts across all industries (not least of all the auto industry and their electric vehicles) the lithium-ion batteries that store and disperse the energy absorbed by the solar cells have become dramatically more efficient. To put things in perspective, this technology is now so efficient that a single day’s worth of solar energy could power the entire world for over a decade.

Solar technology is evolving beyond basic panels as well: cells are becoming so advanced that solar power technology is rapidly drifting into the realm of science fiction. For example, spray-on solar cells now exist and scientists are developing them for commercial use.

Government involvement

The US federal government and many state governments are stepping into the fray. Government programs are popping up like weeds; many of them involve helping consumers install their own solar panel system in a cost-effective manner. For example, in Connecticut—a state which has made many leaps towards solar energy in recent years—there is a program that allows traditional electric companies in CT to participate in their solar consumer assistance programs. In states like NJ, electric suppliers are required to use at least a certain percentage of renewable energy—solar is at the top of this list.

This solar invasion sounds great for everyone. Why are power companies so scared?

The answer to that question is simple: in the US, energy companies make over 100 billion dollars every year and they don’t want to give it up. Although they stand to make some profits from a solar nation, what they could make pales in comparison to the revenue they bring in now.

If they are so scared, why aren’t power companies doing anything?

They are. Solar is surrounding them and they are forced to take action regardless of whether they want to or not.  Some profit hungry energy companies are openly warring with solar, however, we know who will win. North Carolina’s Duke Energy, for example is claiming that solar users aren’t paying their fair share. On the other hand, some power companies are taking the smarter route: NJ electric suppliers NRG and PSE&G, for example, are actually selling their customers solar units.  At this point, it is time that the utilities all recognize the lead that solar is about to take and join in the revolution.

Can I take advantage of solar power now?

Yes. There are many programs that allow you to take advantage of environmental and economic benefits of solar power right now. For example, in CT Electric Rates are being completely replaced with home and business solar panel system leases. Also, there are many electric companies in PA that exclusively use renewable energy (including solar) to generate power.

For the latter option, it can be difficult to find a renewable electric supplier in your area if you don’t know where to look. Fortunately, there are entities that can help. Make the Switch USA, for example, provides you with a full listing of electric companies in PA, NJ and CT that explicitly details how much renewable energy they use.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

10 Energy Efficient Ideas for your Home

The negative impact of using excess energy in your home is twofold: you are costing yourself money and  increasing your carbon footprint. In a state like Pennsylvania where energy rates aren’t exactly low and the lion’s share of it is produced using coal, one of the dirtiest forms of energy around, it is especially important that you cut out the energy waste. That is why we are going to list and explain 10 energy efficient ideas for your home that will curb your environmental impact and reduce the amount that PA electric suppliers will charge you for powering your home.

1. Control your HVAC

Your HVAC is the biggest consumer of energy in your home, especially during the summer and winter months. Reducing its energy consumption is often the single best way to reduce your energy bill. Here is a list of things you can do to dial back your HVAC’s energy use:

•Install an automatic thermostat
•Have routine maintenance done
•Change your filters often (30-60 days)
•Close your blinds during the summer (prevents the sun from overheating your home) and open them during the winter (allows the sun to warm up your home a little)
•Upgrade your roof with reflective shingles
•Install an Energy Star HVAC
•Insulate your home

Since your HVAC is such a big energy consumer (one third to half of your total consumption), taking the above steps can really trim your electric bill, regardless of the current electricity rates in PA.

2. Change your light bulbs

You may be shocked to learn that traditional incandescent lightbulbs waste 90 percent of their energy as heat. This means only one out if every ten kWh used for your lighbulbs is actually useful. Unfortunately for residents of PA, electric rates therein do not discriminate. Replacing all of your incandescent bulbs with super efficient and similarly priced compact fluorescent bulbs or ultra efficient, but expensive LED lighting will take a bite out of your energy bill.

3. Turn off electric items when you’re done with them

This one is a no-brainer. Shut off your lights, television, gaming console, etc when you are finished with them so that they are not using unnecessary energy.  These are easy measures to take around the house, if you don’t you may find electric suppliers in PA are charging you for more than what you would have otherwise had to pay.

4. Invest in power strips

Power strips make number three easy, especially since some things, such as your cell phone charger, keep sapping energy even when it is not plugged into your device. It also makes turning everything off convenient enough to become a habit.

5. Dry your dishes by hand or by air

In most cases, there is little urgency regarding the need for all of the dishes in your washer. That is why you should consider just opening the door and letting them air dry. If you do have an urgent need for a few dishes, hand drying them won’t hurt.

6. Update your appliances

Your HVAC system isn’t the only object in your house that should have an Energy Star label on it. Your fridge, washing machine, dishwasher, etc will be exponentially more efficient as Energy Star appliances. This not only reduces your carbon footprint and the amount that PA electric suppliers can charge you, but it also qualifies you for substantial tax credits.

7. Only wash full loads

You dishwasher and washing machine take up just about the same amount of energy when doing big loads and small loads, so do yourself a favor and fill it up before using it

8. When your electronics are fully charged, unplug them

You may be under the impression that your laptop or cell phone stops charging when it reaches 100 percent, but your charger is using energy to sustain that fully charged state. This puts a strain on your phone’s battery and your overall energy use.

9. Stop using screen savers

You may think your screen saver is saving power, but it really isn’t. Depending on the screensaver, you could actually end up using more screen energy than you would while actually using it. Do yourself a favor and turn your computer screen off.

10. Develop some nocturnal habits

In PA, electric rates often vary based on the time of day. Peak rates are during the daytime; doing some things (washing clothes or dishes for example) after 8 pm could save you a lot of money on your energy bill thanks to reduced off-peak rates.

Visit Make the Switch USA to learn more about how to save energy.  Make the Switch USA knows that in states like PA, electric rates are often much too high for consumers. That is why they dedicate themselves to helping you find the best Electric Suppliers in PA comparing their rates and services.

Monday, 11 August 2014


There are many benefits of going green but one of them is definitely that you can save when you do. You can save money on your water and your energy as well as other things by making your own cleaning supplies or by borrowing instead of buying.
Find out other ways you can save by going green from Make the Switch USA.

Friday, 1 August 2014


Living in a state that has energy deregulation offers many benefits such as being able to pay less for electricity or even having the option to choose. The professionals at Make the Switch USA show you a few of the major benefits of living in a state that offers energy deregulation.